

When a man realizes that there is no point of hoping, pain resides in his mind and heart until a new opportunity arises.

Unknowingly, we are confined with our own biases and selfishness. Although we are taught to be altruistic, we have the instinct of thinking first of ourselves than of others.

Now that the world itself became much more complicated and cruel, we have no choice but to think of ourselves (consciously or unconsciously), especially on how we could live in such a demanding era. This usually results to not achieving what we want or long, which in turn breaks our hearts and make us feel hopeless.

The idea and action of striving very hard, yet no fruit appears, turns our world upside down. It drains our hope and confidence to face the future. Yet some point in our life, we always find light. The light might come from someone or something dear to us.

The process, in which finding such light, is being selfish itself. We've been thinking of ourselves, not knowing that we also grab the chance of others to succeed. This is a competitive world: to win is to also think of ourselves, a must-part of our lives.

For example, working until late night or doing your best in your work, and achieving compliments gives you the chance to get promoted. When you look behind, there is also someone who’s striving hard but not as gifted as you. In this manner, I’m sure you won’t give him or her the position, because it is a chance for you to achieve your goal, and to have the comfortable life you always wanted.

We don’t always need to be altruistic. The point is we should learn when or not to be one. Life is cruel itself and it has no mercy.  You must first show mercy to yourself, so you could give mercy to others. We must learn to love yourself so you could give something to others.

We must learn to fight. Life is never fair that ‘s why we need to strive hard and face the future with positive and strength.

It is natural for us to feel down or think that there is no hope at all. However, we must remember that there is still light along the way. Brood but do not take so long that you already miss the opportunity in your life. There will come a time that you will have your chance and show what you got. Just wait. It might not be now. But it will surely be in the future.